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Showing posts from April, 2019

Exhibition and Trade Stand Entertainment

Exhibition and Trade Stand Entertainment  If you are attending an Exhibition in 2019 it's worth considering how you can make your Trade Stand stand out at the Exhibition after all you want to stand out from your competition.  Let me set the scene for you... You walk into a busy Exhibition Hall full of Trade Stands, the room is buzzing with businesses all wanting to get your attention, they want to do business with you, but where do you look first, whats going to get your attention and stand out? The Trade Stands that stand out are those that are engaging, exciting have something you can participate in and experience, they immerse you in their brand and they are memorable. Busy Exhibition halls are competitive places so you need to make yourself stand out, after all investing in Exhibition space doesn't come cheaply so you need to make the most of the opportunity. Many Exhibitions now offer fantastic content for visitors to experience and this is great for getti