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Exhibition and Trade Stand Entertainment

Exhibition and Trade Stand Entertainment 

If you are attending an Exhibition in 2019 it's worth considering how you can make your Trade Stand stand out at the Exhibition after all you want to stand out from your competition. 

Let me set the scene for you...

You walk into a busy Exhibition Hall full of Trade Stands, the room is buzzing with businesses all wanting to get your attention, they want to do business with you, but where do you look first, whats going to get your attention and stand out?

The Trade Stands that stand out are those that are engaging, exciting have something you can participate in and experience, they immerse you in their brand and they are memorable.

Busy Exhibition halls are competitive places so you need to make yourself stand out, after all investing in Exhibition space doesn't come cheaply so you need to make the most of the opportunity. Many Exhibitions now offer fantastic content for visitors to experience and this is great for getting people to attend the show but you are competing for visitors time and attention and you want them to notice you.

Gone are the days when a free pen will get a visitors attention, you need to be far more interactive and engaging, so you will need to think about what will get you noticed and make visitors engage with you and your Trade Stand.

Interactive Games and Exhibition/Trade Stand Entertainment is a fantastic way to make yourself stand out from the hundreds of other exhibitors at a Trade Show/Exhibition, but where do you begin and what Interactive Game will work for you and your business? These few simple steps and Interactive Game ideas will help guide you through.

Step 1 - Who is your target audience? 

This is a crucial first step into working out which activity or game to hire. You need to know your audience before you can consider what they will enjoy. If your visitors are reserved and a little shy they might want to engage with a Photo Booth, but they may enjoy a Reaction Game. If they are outgoing Photo Booth hire for your stand might be a perfect activity choice. 

Step 2 - How much space do you have available for an Interactive Game/Exhibition Entertainment?

You will need to consider the space you have available for and Interactive Game for your Trade Stand. There is no point in considering hiring a 8m tall Climbing Wall if you only have a 3m x 3m shell scheme, it simply won't fit! Exhibition floor space is expensive so use it wisely and dedicate an area to an Interactive Game or Activity but don't try to cram something in that simply won't fit! Smaller games might be what you are looking for, consider hiring activities such as Reaction Games and Cash Grabbers as these usually take up a small amount of space but give you a great impact. 

Step 3 - What's your budget?

Budget is a really important factor when considering hiring an Interactive Game for your Exhibition Trade Stand. You need to make the most of your stand. You have paid for your space, put in all the pre show effort, pre show marketing and planning so don't let it go to waste. Don't simply rely on hoping that visitors will stop at your stand, they are busy people, make them take notice and engage them in something Interactive, it will make you stand out. 

Step 4 - Find a reliable company who now what they are doing! 

A good Interactive Game hire company will be able to help and advise you which activities you should consider for your Exhibition Trade Stand. If you give them a bit of information about your target audience, what you are trying to achieve from the Trade Show (more leads, promote a specific product etc) they will be able to help advise which game or activity hire may work best for you. 

Step 5 - Brand the Activity 

If budget allows you should consider branding the Interactive Game Hire with your company branding so it really stands out on your Trade Stand. A good Interactive Game hire company will have branding options available for you to select from and you have a specific idea that isn't listed on there standard options don't be afraid to ask if its possible, if they can help they will! 

Trade Stand Entertainment Ideas by Xtreme Vortex

Cash Grabber/Grab a Grand

The Cash Grabber is an eye catching Interactive Activity perfect for an Exhibition Trade Stand. The tokens swirl around creating a visual effect on the Trade Stand which makes people take notice. It doesn't take up a lot of space so you can have an Interactive Game on your Trade Stand without taking up a lot of space. 

Visitors can step inside the cylinder and collect tokens as they whirl around them. The Cash Grabber/Grab a Grand Hire comes with a leader board which is great for keeping track of the top scores. 

The Cash Grabber/Grab a Grand can be branded with your logo/design making it bespoke for your Trade Stand. You can brand the Cash Grabber itself, brand tokens for collecting and brand the leader board with a header. 

Batak Reaction Game 

Batak is an Interactive Game of skill, reactions and coordination. Batak Hire is perfect for Exhibition Trade Stands, it's a quick 30 second game and doesn't take up lots of space so you can have an Interactive Game for your Trade Stand in a small area.

Visitors will take their place at the Batak and strike the lights one at a time to see how many they get in 30 seconds. The Batak Hire comes with a leader board which is great for keeping track of top scores at the Exhibition. 

When you hire the Batak for your Trade Stand it can be branded with your logo/design making it bespoke for you and your brand. You can brand the full backdrop, brand the buttons and the leader board with a header. 

Neuron Race

The Neuron Race is a two player Interactive Game, it is a quick 30 second game play will test visitors reactions. The Neuron Race is perfect for Exhibition Trade Stand Entertainment, it's eye catching and fun. It sits on a 4ft table so doesn't take up large amounts of space so you can include an Interactive Game for your Trade Stand without using lots of space. 

Visitors can play each other or your brand ambassadors can challenge visitors to a game. It's a great ice breaking game and many business conversations have taken place over the game! The Neuron Race Hire comes with a leader board which is great for keeping the top scores throughout the Exhibition on display. 

When you hire the Neuron Race for your Trade Stand its can be branded with your logo/design making it bespoke for your brand and Trade Stand. You can brand the game top, a skirt that wraps around the table and a header for the leader board. 

Trade Stand Entertainment Round Up

The key thing about Trade Stand Entertainment is it can help you engage with your target audience better. If you immerse them in an experience this will help to connect with your brand, creating emotions and a memory.

Trade Stand Entertainment Ideas is they are engaging, eye catching and quick easy Interactive Games for visitors to enjoy. Interactive Games hire for Trade Stands is worth investing in to help you make the most of your Trade Stand. Make sure you visit to hire your next Trade Stand Entertainment Interactive Game. 


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